Xueka Foto do perfil


Matosinhos, Portugal
Artista (Pintura)
Nascido em 1980
Discovering the Universe

My artistic name is Xueka and I'm an artist from Porto, Portugal. I currently live in Matosinhos. Born in 1980, I am both a sculptor and a painter.

In my artistic practice, I find inspiration by connecting with the universe. It's through this connection that I bring my creations to life. I believe that by infusing energy into my pieces, I am able to truly express myself and evoke emotions in those who view my artwork.

As an artist, I am constantly exploring new techniques and pushing the boundaries of my creativity. Through sculpture and painting, I strive to capture the essence of the world around me and convey it in a unique and meaningful way.

I am truly passionate about what I do, and I am excited to share my art with you. I hope that my work resonates with you and that you can feel the energy and emotion that I pour into each piece.

Descubra obras de arte contemporâneas de Xueka, procure obras de arte recentes e compre on-line. Categorias: artistas portugueses contemporâneos. Domínios artísticos: Pintura. Tipo de conta: Artista , usuário desde 2024 (País de origem Portugal). Compre as últimas obras de Xueka no Artmajeur: Xueka: Descubra impressionantes obras do artista contemporâneo. Navegue obras de arte, comprar obras originais ou impressões de luxo.

Xueka Foto do perfil Grande

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