Massimo Franceschetto Immagine del profilo

Massimo Franceschetto

Bologna, Italia
Artista (Pittura)
Nato a 1955
When my canvas is in front of me, it’s like following an unknown path.

After having obtained the chemistry diploma, I chose to devote myself to a totally different area, finance, where I have built my experience for more than 40 years.

Though always having appreciated art, I recently sort of re-invented myself by starting to paint.

The act of painting gives me mixed feelings, an emptiness of the mind which allows to live the moment in such a unique and mysterious way.

I consider painting to be a journey... a journey through which I would be pleased to bring you along.

The following words describe my approach to art, and to painting itself... which still remains something which is not easy to explain:

- My artwork is able to express my feelings in a unique way, a way which continues to amaze me.

- Seeing my ideas taking form, materialized by color, allows me to touch a sparkle of my creativity.

- When my artwork takes form, little by little, it earns its own meaning, escaping from my hands and control, even though we remain strongly linked together.

Scopri opere d'arte contemporanea di Massimo Franceschetto, naviga tra le opere recenti e acquista online. Categorie: artisti italiani contemporanei. Domini artistici: Pittura. Tipo di account: Artista , iscritto dal 2023 (Paese di origine Italia). Acquista gli ultimi lavori di Massimo Franceschetto su Artmajeur: Scopri le opere dell'artista contemporaneo Massimo Franceschetto. Sfoglia le sue opere d'arte, compra le opere originali o le stampe di alta qualità.

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