How to suggest changes to an art show or fair

Artmajeur offers an art fair and exhibition section which is moderated by our team. You can suggest changes if you notice any inaccuracies, or if you want to add details, for example:

  • New address
  • Incorrect dates
  • Link to buy tickets

If you are a show exhibitor (gallery, artist)

To appear in the Exhibitors section, as well as your participating works, register for this event in the section: My Account > Exhibitions .
NB: the availability of the work at this exhibition will then be automatically displayed on the work detail page to alert visitors that they can come and see it physically.

If you are an authorized salon official

You can request to administer the room profile. You can then modify the content, add locations or exhibition dates directly. You will also be able to receive messages from visitors or recruit exhibitors. Artmajeur also offers partnership opportunities that may interest you.

Your event is not yet listed on Artmajeur?
Request an addition

To suggest a modification, register as an exhibitor, or request more information, please contact us and specify your request:

Contact us

Precisa de ajuda?

A equipe de suporte técnico está disponível para responder a todas as suas perguntas:

Centro de ajuda Mensagem +33 (0)95 095 9966