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Jim Fischer

Back to list Added May 19, 2021

What's on the Easel, April, 2021

What’s On The Easel

April 2021, Vol. III, No. 4

A monthly newsletter from Jim Fischer

 Same old, same old…

No need to bore you with a photo of the easel, the same two portraits are still there, untouched..

 But the Rousseau clock is finished…



And as long as the acrylic paint set is out …

 I’ve finally finished the last of the Jones Beach series (started in the 80s). These two small canvases, 11x7 each, had been hanging around the studio with sketches on them since the mid-90s. They are now finished, acrylic on canvas. I have re-affirmed why I prefer working in oil. Acrylics dry too fast, leaving little room to work the surface. Whatever, they are done. 



Has anyone noticed they are racing the America’s Cup?

 I have, well, sort of. Can you figure out how these two modernist, minimalist pieces called Racing Yachts I and II.  They came about while I was painting some frames black. They are the markings left on the paper I put down on the work surface, thus, serendipitous art, another in the Imagination series.



If you haven’t yet…

Why not take a minute to visit my virtual exhibit at the Casa Colombo virtual gallery.


Email Flier eblast 2 April 4th.jpg

Here’s the direct URL: https://artspaces.kunstmatrix.com/en/exhibition/5597657/forty-eight-views-of-brownstone-brooklyn.

 “Those April showers…”

 Yup April is crunch time for another artistic pursuit, gardens (and if you are serious, as I am, about doing it you agree it’s an art) This year the grass needed replacing so the season has started with a new lawn.



I also had a lot of new dirt put in the raised beds, planting will begin shortly.

 Kids? Nah! Cats? Yeah!



Meet the new member of our family. Her name is Shani, which is ‘Wonderful woman’ in ancient Egyptian. She was abandoned on the street (with a collar around her neck, no less) and rescued by a local involved in such. She is a pure bred, an Egyptian Mau, one of the oldest breeds of cat, dating back to before 1500 BCE. It is believe her breed was the one that spurred the ancient Egyptians to begin their cult worshiping the cat. See those dark black markings coming off the edge of her eyes? It is thought that those marking inspired the Egyptians to wear mascara in imitation, a ritual still observed by women worldwide. So, say ‘hello’ to Shani, our Egyptian princess. 

 That’s all for now. Be well, be safe. And what’s on your easel?




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