How to display mature content on Artmajeur?

Artmajeur recognizes and respects the diversity of creative content

Mature and sensitive artistic content is allowed

All mature, erotic, or artistic nude content is an integral part of art and is welcome on Artmajeur. Similarly, some artistic content may be sensitive or provocative (in compliance with the law), and have their place in an art gallery. However, they are accompanied by specific rules of presentation.

Who labels content as sensitive?

In order to comply with the various international laws concerning mature content, this content must be labeled as such. The labeling of works is the responsibility of the artists themselves.

In the event of a report, our moderation team can label all sensitive content in an account, in order to preserve the integrity of the platform.

What happens if I don't mark content as sensitive?

The content then appears to the general public, without any filter, thus putting the platform in danger.

When an artist does not understand, or does not accept the notion of "mature content", does not believe that his content is "mature", or does not label mature content correctly, the whole platform can be impacted by a ban on the various service providers (payment, hosting) as well as social networks and search engines. We are therefore forced to act quickly:

  1. Images are manually moderated by our team
  2. An information notification is sent to the artist
  3. In the event of a new reported problem, the account may be suspended

How do you know if content is sensitive?

Content that depicts or suggests nudity, which may be offensive or provocative should be labeled as sensitive. If you are unsure about the classification of content, it is because this content must be labeled as sensitive.

How does sensitive content appear on the gallery?

Mature or sensitive content appears on Artmajeur with a filter that makes the image "blurry", and a button to deactivate the filter. Visitors can then click the button to easily access all mature content without any restrictions.

Pages containing mature images are indicated to search engines and social networks, which can then deactivate the sharing function for content they do not wish to display: this avoids the risk of banishment.

Need help?

Friendly support staff is available to answer all your questions:

Help Center Message +33 (0)95 095 9966