Artists Portraits : 299 Articles

Read 299 exclusive articles related to "Artists Portraits" on Artmajeur magazine

Christophe Stephan Durand: At 9 years old I started drawing seriously

Artists Portraits • 5 minutes read
"My artistic experience began very young. My father painted forgeries of masters. I remained in awe of his copies for a long time. At 9 years old I began to draw seriously. "...

Paula Solís Burgos: the passion of oil on canvas

Artists Portraits • 11 minutes read
I always had an attraction for the plastic arts, since I was very young -at least that is what my mother tells me-, I liked to draw the caricatures I saw on television...

Gabriel Cristian Matei: art symbolically represent the territory of absolute freedom

Artists Portraits • 10 minutes read
"I believe that art symbolically represent the territory of absolute freedom."...

Tomasa Martin: I have always loved to draw and paint

Tomasa Martin • 4 minutes read
"I have always loved to draw and paint. On my way to creating art, I think my biggest influence was Dalí. I thought he was wonderful."..

Francesca Borgo: I’ve always enjoyed drawing and painting

Artists Portraits • 7 minutes read
"I’ve always enjoyed drawing and painting since I was kid and kept doing it as a hobby until 6-7 years ago. Then I had a medical condition that  blocked me at home for weeks."

Valérie Jayat: a vital need to create

Artists Portraits • 4 minutes read
"My style is identified immediately, and that's the hardest thing to achieve. A certain poetry, sometimes tinged with humor, a grating language at times. My colors are very particular to me."

Polina Jourdain-Kobycheva: I always needed to express my inner world to myself

Artists Portraits • 11 minutes read
" My father was an amateur photographer. He took photos of mushrooms in the woods, flowers, cats and my portraits when I was little"...

Carlos Blanco Artero: my art and life are absolutely inseparable

Carlos BLANCO ARTERO • 8 minutes read
"In the end I have always said that painting is learned by painting. If you're lucky, you find a couple of teachers who mark you and know how to guide you well, respecting your peculiarities, but this is not easy at all..."

Natalya Sleta: I was fascinated by the grace and incredible abilities of the athletes

Artists Portraits • 5 minutes read
"Since childhood I was interested in watching rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming competitions, I was fascinated by the grace and incredible abilities of the athletes."

Loferrie: a gift from birth

Artists Portraits • 5 minutes read
“I believe that the need to create and express a vision or a feeling through art begins with a visceral need at the dawn of incarnation, a gift from birth.”


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