Xavier Wttrwulghe, inspiration comes from traveling

Xavier Wttrwulghe, inspiration comes from traveling

Olimpia Gaia Martinelli | Jul 6, 2022 4 minutes read 0 comments

Xavier Wttrwulghe is a self-taught artist, moved by a strong inspiration, which stems from his life experiences, his way of being and his travels...

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What inspired you to create works of art and to become an artist? (events, feelings, experiences...)

From a very young age I have always been in artistic schools, for me art was obvious. Being self-taught I have a certain facility to create what I want.

What is your artistic background, the techniques and subjects you have experimented with so far?

First at the Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels, I studied painting, drawing, and sculpture. It is very complete as a school and very diversified. Which suits me very well.

What are the 3 aspects that differentiate you from other artists, making your work unique?

As I explained I am self-taught I have a certain ease in creating what I want. I make my works according to my experience, my life experiences. For example, I make Sitting Mickeys, because I'm still a big kid despite everything. I made a seated Mickey because it's a position you couldn't see.

Where does your inspiration come from?

My inspiration comes from my travels, traveling allows you to reconnect with yourself and find new ideas. If I'm too locked up in the studio, all I have to do is go out for some fresh air and inspiration seems obvious to me.

What is your artistic approach? What visions, sensations or feelings do you want to evoke in the viewer?

My artistic approach is simple, provoke emotion. When I do my exhibitions (about twenty a year) I feel the positive emotion transmitted through my works. It touches me a lot and pushes me to do even more.

What is the process of creating your works? Spontaneous or with a long preparatory process (technical, inspiration from art classics or other)?

I like to start from a blank page and create a story board. With that I have a good starting point. The idea is written, drawn and there is more than to start. Afterwards he can of course with some changes,... We are never safe,... LoL

Do you use a particular working technique? if so, can you explain it?

Simple and classic I start from my master, then I create a silicone mold. I can then draw my coins. I then have to prepare them before painting.

Are there any innovative aspects in your work? Can you tell us which ones?

I'm currently working on a new project, but it's still a secret ;-)

Do you have a format or medium that you are most comfortable with? if yes, why ?

I am very good at painting and varnishing. I think I studied well at school.

Where do you produce your works? At home, in a shared workshop or in your own workshop? And in this space, how do you organize your creative work?

I work from home. Fortunately because given the number of hours that I realize, for me a trip would be a waste of time. I'm lucky to have my workshop.

Does your work lead you to travel to meet new collectors, for fairs or exhibitions? If so, what does it bring you?

Yes I travel a lot because I do more than 20 exhibitions a year across Europe, I have a need to meet people in order to present my work to them. It's every time a day to do it. Given the enthusiasm I meet for my work, it carries me and pushes me to create new works.

How do you imagine the evolution of your work and your career as an artist in the future?

Always go further. Never stop. My works have been purchased from a private collection by 2 museums. I don't intend to stop there.

What is the theme, style or technique of your latest artistic production?

I make a lot of animals in impossible positions. I'm busy working on a female hippopotamus. It will be very elegant.

Can you tell us about your most important exhibition experience?

My most important exhibition is above all the exhibition where the museum bought my photograph "A Rhino in Deauville" 120cm x 180cm from my private collection. It was especially the most important in terms of emotion. And as an artist we really need it.

If you could have created a famous work in the history of art, which one would you choose? And why ?

If I could have created a famous work in the history of art, it would be "The Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci. Because Leonardo is a character that I admire a lot because he had to do everything. He had several strings to his bow. Unpretentious I think I'm a bit like him. Besides, several of my collectors have already told me. LOL

If you could invite one famous artist (dead or alive) to dinner, who would it be? How would you suggest he spend the evening?

Always Leonardo, I will offer him to have a good meal, and to end the evening talking about his works in his studio. So enriching.

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