Kyrylo Bondarenko, experimental and social art

Kyrylo Bondarenko, experimental and social art

Olimpia Gaia Martinelli | Feb 16, 2022 3 minutes read 0 comments

Kyrylo Bondarenko is an artist always ready to experiment, involved in multiple artistic projects at a time, sometimes made in order to help the most difficult situations that surround him...

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What motivated you to become an artist? What is your path?

I became an artist in my early childhood. I drew on everything I saw. Mom's salary, rubles of the ussr in 1986, were painted. Mom paid twice in the store. After 8 days, dad and mom were taken by the KGB for interrogation for the destruction of state property. But at that time, they could have been sent to Siberia for a katarga for such, but everything was resolved well. And with the collapse of the USSR, I became an artist and a capitalist in 1992, I sold my first paintings to foreigners. Since then I have been drawing and have not stopped for a minute. Children's prank has turned into a new world direction in art. In 35 countries around the world, hundreds of artists use money as material to create art.
What are the 3 things that set you apart from other artists ?

The main thing is that I am different, I always experiment, lead different series of works, social art to help the city and difficult situations. The main thing is not to stop and go with the river.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

Inspiration I get mainly from having a rest in nature.


Tell us about the design of your work, do you have a long preparatory work or it is rather spontaneous?

I have different pictures. I can draw one for a month, while others can do five in a day.  

What do you want to show in your work?

My pictures speak for themselves.

Do you use unconventional methods or materials in your work?

I always experiment with materials.  


Do you have a favorite format? Why?

I love one dollar bills very much. Now I have been gluing an installation that I have been leading for 20 years. Project .. Washing .. things will be pasted over with money. Hanging out as drying clothes on the street. I want to take you to Art Basel.

What difficulties do you face in your work?

I have no difficulties, I do not have enough finances. I'm a happy person.  

How do you work? At home, in a general workshop, in your own workshop?

There is a small workshop. But a large courtyard, I turned it into an art courtyard. Open Air Museum 50,000 people have visited it in 8 years.


Do you have to travel a lot because of your work as an artist?

Traveling there is no finance. I spend all my finances on paints and canvases.  

What was the most beautiful moment of your career?

Honestly, as an artist in Ukraine I am very famous. I'm bored in Odessa, so I do fun social projects for the city. Which ultimately force the authorities to take measures to improve public space.

How do you see your job in ten years?

In 10 years, I will be in the collections of all the major museums in the world, I am the discoverer of a new world direction. If, of course, I live.  


What are you working on now? Are you planning an exhibition soon?

I would like to present a project for art basel. To present art from money on the world stage.

If you could create a masterpiece of art history, which one would you choose ?

Time will tell which picture is a masterpiece and which is rubbish.  

If you could invite a famous artist (dead or alive) to dinner, who would you choose?

Elvis Presley

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