Igors Gengeris, "figurative Linearism"

Igors Gengeris, "figurative Linearism"

Olimpia Gaia Martinelli | Feb 19, 2022 3 minutes read 0 comments

The painting of Igors Gengeris, which some critics call "Linearism", tries to approach the understanding of the language of God: the art...

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What made you decide to become an artist? What is your curriculum vitae? 

A philosopher said that art is the language of God in which He speaks to us humans. I would like to understand this language, if possible, at least in its basics.

What 3 things distinguish you from other artists?

Every artist and I bring something of our own to the work. My artistic signature consists of all kinds of lines. Some art critics have called this style of painting linearism. This style of painting helps me to emphasize and enhance some of the features of the painting.

Where does your inspiration come from?

From where? From there, from above. Gie subjects, however, come from the surrounding life, of course.


Tell us something about planning your works, do you have a long preparation time or do you work more spontaneously?

Usually, when I am busy with one painting, the theme and the fable of the next one mature. 

What do you want to express with your works?

I want to show how beautiful this world is and how contradictory our lives are.

Do you use techniques or materials for your works that are not commonplace?

Yes, I do that from time to time.


Do you have a favorite format? Why or why not?

I use formats most often: 70x50, 80x60 and 80x100.

What difficulties do you encounter in your work?

Lack of time gives me difficulties, but I have enough patience.

How do you work? At home, in a shared studio, in your own studio?

I use a room in our apartment as a studio, and it suits everyone.


Does your work as an artist cause you to travel a lot?

I have traveled enough and now I travel. But it seems to me that travel is more important for an artist not in the geographical sense, but in the historical and cultural sense.

What was the most beautiful moment in your career?

It seems to me that every artist experiences the best moments of his career when he sees that the viewers experience the emotions that the artist has brought to the picture, and these emotions are positive.

How do you see your work in ten years?

At my age it would be frivolous to make such long-term plans.


What are you currently working on? Are you planning an exhibition soon?

COVID-19, of course, makes adjustments to the exhibition plans. On the other hand, it gives a pause to reflect on what has been done and plan future work.

If you could have created a masterpiece of art history, which one would you choose?

No single artist, not even the greatest, has created a dozen paintings that can be called masterpieces. But all masterpieces are so personalized and individual that, in my opinion, it is unthinkable to attribute them to another author.

If you could invite a famous artist (already dead or alive) to dinner, who would you choose?

I would invite Rembrandt van Rijn to make him full first. And then I would ask him how it came about that he died in complete poverty in prosperous Amsterdam and was buried in a communal grave, exactly where is not known.

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