Member collections

Collections are created by Artmajeur members, art lovers and special guests from all over the world. On Artmajeur, you can collect all the art you love[...]

Collections are created by Artmajeur members, art lovers and special guests from all over the world.

On Artmajeur, you can collect all the art you love and even share them with other art lovers. Here you will find the most popular collections administrated by Artmajeur members. Join thousands of art enthusiasts into creating exciting collections of contemporary artworks : Create & share collections!

To collect art, browse the galleries and click on the icon next to the piece of art you like.

75 ème collection pour le plaisir de mes yeux

This collection is curated by Emma Laflute
Painting titled "Fantasy with Flower…" by Rakhmet Redzhepov, Original Artwork, Acrylic Painting titled "Mountains Switzerla…" by Yehor Dulin, Original Artwork, Oil Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Painting titled "spring evening (blu…" by Armen Ghazayran (Nem), Original Artwork, Acrylic Painting titled "Alchemy nº 3" by Julian Garcia-Viso, Original Artwork, Oil Photography titled "Les verts" by Emma Laflute, Original Artwork, Digital Photography Painting titled "Coupe poétique" by Muriel Cayet, Original Artwork, Acrylic Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame Painting titled "Reflections VI" by Maja Grecic, Original Artwork, Watercolor Painting titled "Fantasy with Flower…" by Rakhmet Redzhepov, Original Artwork, Acrylic

Create a collection: How does it work ?

On Artmajeur, you can collect all the art you love and even share them with other art lovers. Here you will find the most popular collections administrated by Artmajeur members. Join thousands of art enthusiasts into creating exciting collections of contemporary artworks : Create & share collections!

To collect art, browse the galleries and click on the icon next to the piece of art you like.


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